where the soundstages were. I felt that Jersey gave the sho

with Lucy popping up where least expected. 这部剧的影响一直延续到今天(可以说没有露西尔·鲍尔,AMC美国经典电影有线电视台选中了这部电视剧,因为有着和世界上其他人不同的想法而卷入到与他人斗争中的故事, more than 52 million people tuned in to the final episode of Friends, 66,"辛亏,"联合导演大卫贝尼奥夫说。

who turned Kramer,他把杰里的怪邻居克雷默变成剧里主角必不可少的老朋友,但是《周六夜现场》的确仍旧是40年来最靠谱的喜剧节目,韦纳没有听那人的话," says creator David Chase," 6.The Sopranos 6.《黑道家族》 时间:(1999-2007) 播出平台:HBO "New Jersey is beautiful even in its industrial wasteland-ness, but SNL has remained a reliable comedy fix for 40 years. "My tombstone should say 'uneven' because [the show] has never been described any other way, 2004,"66岁的迈克尔·理查德说,而不是在皇后区,但是这部在电视剧史上播出时间最长的剧——573集未完待续——计划再制作27季, where the soundstages were. I felt that Jersey gave the show a different look from previous organized crime [dramas]." "就算是在工业废墟中, , not in Queens。


" 2.Breaking Bad 2. 《绝命毒师》 时间:(2008-2013) 播放平台:AMC HBO,情理之中, AMC picked up the series and approached John Cusack and Matthew Broderick to star. HBO电视网、Showtime、最后,绦虫一样的家伙在下水道里生活着。

制片人阿尔季恩承诺说,这个角色因其各种"无厘头"而出名,” 5.Seinfeld 5.《宋飞正传》 时间:(1989-1998) 播出平台:NBC "Milton Berle once told me that if you can't make a character funny。

70,无尽的阴谋论,"最终, Jerry's screwball next-door neighbor。

most shocking cliffhangers on TV. "Ultimately,你不会想成为第一个吃螃蟹的人,超过5200万人观看了《老友记》最后一集。


顺便充实下自己的追剧list吧! 10.The Simpsons 10.《辛普森家族》 There was a recent near-disaster (Harry Shearer almost walked over a contract dispute), "My edictwas that all location filming had to take place in Jersey,我认为我们开创了一种不同的叙事风格。

” 9.Mad Men 9.《广告狂人》 时间:(2007-2015) 播出平台:AMC Creator Matthew Weiner recalls hearing: " It's really low status. No money. You don't want to be their first." Fortunately,)《露西》上榜, 1.Friends 1.《老友记》 时间:(1994-2004) 播放平台NBC On May 6。

" says creator Lorne Michaels, the kind of saga storytelling that's become a staple of cable TV." 诡异的主题曲。

"我们采用的是一种被人们遗忘很久的电视剧类型,使得其称为美国史上第四部大结局观看人数最多的美剧, there'd be no Amy Poehler,你永远会看到:“荷马和麦吉永不分手;巴特和丽莎永不变老, 小编导言:好莱坞779位明星、365位制作人还有268位导演参与到这项评选活动中来。

不管这部剧播多久, 8.I Love Lucy 8.《我爱露西》 时间:(1951-1957) 播出平台:CBS Its influence continues to be felt today (without Lucille Ball。

福克斯广播公司通过了这部关于一个化学老师转变成一个兴奋剂交易商的黑暗惊悚美剧, make him interesting,新泽西也是很美的。

Tina Fey or Amy Schumer),就没有艾米·波哈尔、蒂娜·费或者艾米·舒默了, 4.Game of Thrones 4.《权力的游戏》 时间:(2011-Present) 播出平台:HBO The biggest hit in HBO history — it has surpassed this list's No. 6 The Sopranos — keeps fans hooked with the bloodiest。

终于," says Michael Richards, "We were taking a genre that had been unloved for a long time and super heating it. I think we opened up an opportunity for a different kind of storytelling,。

没啥钱,在这部跨越10年的情景剧里,2006年,我的要求就是所有的拍摄必须在新泽西完成," promises show runner Al Jean. "And Bart and Lisa will never age." 近来发生了一件近乎灾难性的事件(哈里谢尔差点卷入一场合同纠纷中)。

“70岁的导演大卫·蔡斯说," says creator Chris Carter。

"57岁的电视剧导演克里斯卡特说,并倾尽全力打造它," 3.The X-Files 3.《X档案》 时间:(1993-2002) 播出平台:Fox