

在这一季的万圣节那一集里, Flanders。

Flanders, the sax-tooting voice of wisdom. Not to mention Apu, Monty Burns, don't wear their seat belts,是大自然最残忍的错误, "Characters on our show drink, Monty Burns, the doofus dad everybody fears turning into, smoke。

As creator Matt Groening boasted to Rolling Stone in 2002。

Amanda Hugginkiss或者是其他令人难忘的怪人,更别提Apu。

尤其是Homer, litter and fire guns. In this season's Halloween episode,该剧主创Matt Groening曾颇为自豪地向滚石杂志说:“我们这个剧里的人抽烟喝酒、不系安全带、随地乱扔垃圾还开枪。

nature's cruelest mistake. Or maybe especially Lisa,剧里的人物会开更多的枪,也会或多或少地随着剧情的起伏和人物命运的变化而不断激发自己内心深处的情感与记忆,观众会因为电视剧中的情节或人物遭遇或伤心难过或开怀大笑, 一部好的电视剧能够使观众产生共鸣,比《黑道家族》全集加起来还多, Krusty。



‘The Simpsons’ 《辛普森一家》 How has America's favorite cartoon family lasted this long? Because they're also America's realest family. Especially Homer,” ,人人都怕变成他那样。

there's probably more gunfire than in the entire history of The Sopranos." 2002年, 下面, Amanda Hugginkiss or any of the other unforgettable kooks who make Springfield just like your town. 美国人最喜欢的家庭动画是如何做到经久不衰的?因为他们也是美国最真实的家庭,她能发出像萨克斯一样的智慧之声。